9450653634, 7651931577

J J VIKAAS KENDRA day care center under Disha cum Vikaas Scheme is conducted with the support of The National Trust, Department of Empowerment of Divyangjan, Ministry of Social Justice Govt. of India. There are 30 beneficiaries (7 beneficiaries with Cerebral Palsy and 23 beneficiaries with Mentally retarded ) registered under the Dlsha cum Vikaas Scheme during 2019-20. At the daycare center, Our team works on daily living activities for specially-abled children, Physiotherapy for Cerebral palsy children, and Counseling the children with their Parents. During the daycare, the children are participating in other many activities like Games, Arts and Painting, craft work, function celebrations Music dance, etc. The children

Above 14 years are taking training for Envelope etc. During the year many functions

, Days and Awareness programs are conducted in which children and their guardians and other people took part. From time to time Health camps are organized and under Niramaya Health Scheme 36 beneficiaries are registered. Our team is also monitoring their health claims reimbursement into their bank Accounts.


  1. Social Inclusion & empowerment of Disables and women

  2. Environmental Conservation (soil, walker & air)

  3. Women Labor & child labor development programs

  4. !·Promotion of Culture and Heritage

  5. Women and child welfare

  6. Sanitization/ Helene promotion and Health care 7-Promotion of Education and Language promotion8-Vocational training/ capacity building and sustainability.